News & Articles

Delyth / Amroth Oct 2013

I made an appointment to see Leighton as i was suffering from acute arm and shoulder pain, and had very limited movement in both. After 3 appointments, movement was significantly improving. Now virtually back to normal – about 5 sessions. Each session was “painful” but really helped. The exercises are very simple and essential to […]

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Delyth / Amroth Oct 2013

I made an appointment to see Leighton as i was suffering from acute arm and shoulder pain, and had very limited movement in both. After 3 appointments, movement was significantly improving. Now virtually back to normal – about 5 sessions. Each session was “painful” but really helped. The exercises are very simple and essential to […]

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Andrew/Cardigan Jan 2013

Found Leighton completely by accident and I have to say, I was very lucky. Like so many others tried other physios and the NHS (proved to be the worst). Leighton explained the problems and the way to work on the problem in simple English. How important that is to any patient! thanks to him my […]

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Andrew/Cardigan Jan 2013

Found Leighton completely by accident and I have to say, I was very lucky. Like so many others tried other physios and the NHS (proved to be the worst). Leighton explained the problems and the way to work on the problem in simple English. How important that is to any patient! thanks to him my […]

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Stephen Rhodes

Having put up with lower back pain for years and treating the nagging ache with paracetamol and a hot wheat-bag, I finally incapacitated myself laying paving stones in the garden. This time it was serious, I couldn’t stand or walk and had to be carried into the house and laid out flat. After three days […]

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I highly recommend this physiotherapist. I came in desperation after other physio failed to help my condition or even properly diagnose the problem, as his website said he specialised in difficult neck & spinal conditions. He has exceeded all my expectations. At the first consultation, I was thoroughly examined and given an immediate proper diagnosis […]

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After having acupuncture and exercises from the hospital which did not help at all, I was disillusioned with physiotherapists but when one of my daughters was treated by Leighton successfully I thought I would give him a go. His hands on approach had a remarkable effect and I cannot speak highly enough about him

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Mrs E Thomas

I was on the waiting list for a total hip replacement and went to see Leighton to see if he could help me manage my pain. After his treatment and exercise program I now no longer need an operation as I hardly have any pain when walking now

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