Watch Your Posture, Computer Use
Watch your posture: Computer use
In our high tech society, many people spend hours sitting before the computer, and suffer from back and neck pain as a result. A poorly designed workstation can contribute not only to loss of productive time because of aches and pains, but also errors, some of them costly. By making a few simple adjustments to your workplace and your posture, you can overcome some of these problems.
Choose the correct surface height. The ideal chair height is one-third of a person’s height and the desk height one-half of the person’s height. If you have one of those adjustable chairs, then it should be easy to raise/lower it to the correct height to suit your desk. If the desk is too low, you can put blocks under the legs to raise it. Feet should be flat on the floor with the hips and knees sloping downward. Elbows should rest comfortably on the armrests of your chair; your forearm should not strain to reach the mouse. A wireless mouse is a great advantage as it allows you to place it where it is most comfortable for you.
Maintain a straight back. This prevents fatigue and back pain. Do not slide down in your seat, as this puts strain on your lower back. If you find yourself doing this, get up and walk around a little. A cushion that tilts your body forward will help to reduce back tension and prevent you from sliding. It also facilitates getting from a sitting to a standing position as you do not have to bend at the waist to get up.
Look straight ahead. Some computer screens are placed at a level above the worker’s eyes, forcing him/her to keep looking up. This is bad for your neck, and it will let you know it. If you must sit at the computer for long periods, the screen should be at eye level.
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